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Behavioral Health Integration

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Behavioral Health Integration

At Beyond Health, our Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) program provides a structured and collaborative approach to mental health care. Designed to address your behavioral and emotional well-being, BHI ensures that you have access to personalized, effective mental health support within your primary care setting.

Our team includes your primary care provider, a behavioral health care manager, and a psychiatric consultant. Together, they develop and oversee a tailored care plan to address your mental health needs. The behavioral health care manager serves as your main point of contact, providing regular check-ins, tracking progress, and offering counseling and support. The psychiatric consultant collaborates behind the scenes with the care team, providing expert recommendations for treatment strategies, including adjustments to therapy or medications.

This team-based approach allows us to address a range of mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, stress, and other emotional challenges. By integrating mental health care into your primary care experience, we ensure that your needs are met in a timely and coordinated manner.

At Beyond Health, we believe in providing compassionate and accessible mental health support. Our BHI program connects you to a dedicated care team that works together to ensure you receive high-quality, evidence-based care for your mental and emotional well-being.